Thursday, May 27, 2010

just have fun.

that is all for today.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What Is My Top Truth?

i would like to create a post today about things we can keep in the focus of our awareness that make life easier to live. I will then discuss using a top truth as it is much easier to keep one tool of thought with you instead of dragging around a list of things to remember all the time.

As we experience reality/life, we sometimes come across an experience that creates discomfort within us. So the idea today is learning how to put in the awareness that which make those experiences easier to experience. After all, isn't it everyone's goal (among the many we have) to feel good all the time? A little adjustment of our thinking can make a huge difference. Oh, and there's nothing to sell you, no classes to attend, nothing you need to physically do.

There are many ways and perspectives to understand causes of dis-ease. This post will side-step that part of it and go straight to the juice.

I will be using myself as an example. Mainly to illustrate what I am talking about exactly as this is an unusual discussion. Then you may use the tools I remind you that you already have and take it from there.


For me, when I encounter discomfort or frustration or general dis-ease, I am always curious why I feel it and what I can do to get rid of it. (I am using the understanding that thoughts and feelings are something that can be handled and released)

Our awareness includes all things that are processed as data from an experience. (ex: we are aware of the colors of the chair as well as the sounds of the wind, the feeling of the breeze, the taste of the lemonade, and then there is our thoughts.) How do we think of thoughts?
Awareness and what we think are two different things. We can be aware of our thoughts. Which suggests that a thought is something that can be handled or released from our awareness.

So the big question is... What is in our awareness at all times?

Dis-ease, frustration, etc. can show up in our awareness at any time. Which is how we know about them. So how did they get in our awareness? This is a question to ask you yourself.
A major paradigm shift of thinking that is available for all is to know we have control over what we experience. Learning to master what we experience has some pre-requisites of thinking before that can become. One of them being an understanding that having "choice" is a permanently equipped tool of thought. It can never leave us no matter what.

So knowing we always have the tool of 'choice' at our disposal, we can then choose to put specific things in our awareness that we KNOW won't create dis-ease, frustration, etc. or choose to think differently about it.


My top truth as of right now (because it can be swapped at any time for a better one) is that all things experienced is for the transformation of consciousness.

This is a thought that transmutes the experience into an agreeable one.

is there bad news on tv? it's for the transformation of consciousness.
did two people get into a fight? it's for the transformation of consciousness.
did someone say something ugly? it's for the transformation of consciousness.
is there a war going on? it's for the transformation of consciousness.

Short and simple. This is the highest truth I know (so far) and I find it helpful because it has massive amounts of truth to it. How much can someone take of something they disagree with before they start exploring other options and exercising our thought tool called "choice". A transformation will take place. Consciousness would then take what knowledge it has acquired and a change of awareness will happen in favor of what is desired.

I consider this my top truth because I understand that consciousness is at the core of our awareness. And if there is ANY activity going on in the world that someone disagrees with, I know it will eventually lead to a transformation of thought. And there won't be anything bad about learning what we don't want to experience in our awareness. For that also teaches us what we do desire.

All thought is free. We have learned by now that we are free to think anything we want and it doesn't cost a cent. Take my top truth if it works for you, or you can create a better one more suited for how you want to experience reality.

Don't be surprised if something happens to you and you all of a sudden feel lighter. This might just be your own transformation of thought into the realm of mental clarity. On a personal note, if you experience this, take my word for it and throw a big party. a BIG, BIG party.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

What is it also?

I would like to speak about understanding understanding. No, that was not a typo.

When we understand something, there opens up an awareness about the understood that wasn't there before. It is a piece of a proposed puzzle that gives more of the image. It is a truth of what is experienced that can be relied on.

So how do we know how to understand something better? I will attempt to touch upon this topic, knowing full well in advance, that I will not even scratch the surface of what this post can open up. The rest is for the ones with the hunger for more.

As a tool, we tend to use our past experiences to help understand a person or situation by way of recalling observed outcomes of similar situations.

Using our past in this way is problematic.

If you're already thinking about how it is problematic before we get into that, then I would recommend you think about this statement while you read on. "Change is the only constant".

We could safely say that the past is the past as it has changed since then. Perhaps that is what makes it the past. The now is not the same as it once was.

When we respond to present situations, we can also safely say that responding in the best way possible is aided by how much we are aware of and how well the situation is understood.

There is a default pattern we fall back on when we attempt to grab hold of a present situation in order to understand it more. We look at patterns. We look as similarities. We look at past situations that resemble the present one. And through conscious or unconscious choice, we respond to the present situation based on our past. Which, because change is the only constant, has changed since then. This is one way the past is kept alive and preferred change is avoided.

How this can be avoided is by understanding what we are understanding about the current situation we find ourselves in. Seeing the things in front of us without inviting the past to aid us in that understanding is a more concentrated experience for us to have. It is a fresh look without past bias.

Without inviting our past observations into the now, how can we feel comfortable making decisions without having those experienced memories?

An answer is by understanding the conditions that surrounded those past observations have changed as well. And any similarities we experience in the present is nothing more than a situation that resembles the past.
When we recall the outcome(s) of a similar situation in our past and explicitly use it as the crutch of understanding the present moment, there is a high probability that the meaning we create out of this bias is far removed from what is actually going on. The question: 'What is it also?' is a bridge question to create the understanding that there is always more to understand.

We discussed how we can respond to what is in front of us without depending on our past to help make sense of it and also discussed methods of understanding the present situation more clearly.

I hope this has been time well spent for you!


Monday, March 22, 2010

Information Packages - Intended Meanings

i wish to discuss 'intended meaning' and using the phrase 'information packages' for a closer look at mechanics of communication.

something is either understood or it isn't.

consider how we communicate with one another and what words are used to exchange understandings. this is what communication is, is it not? an exchange of understandings.

when we communicate with one another, one of two things happen. either the receiver of the information package accepts the intended meaning contained within as best as they can understand it, or they take the packaging, put their own meaning in it and THEN accepts it as what the communicator was trying to communicate. this can be a problem and create conflict. has this ever happened to you?

what is important to realize is that meaning comes from direct experience. all experience is valid and important. it is not helpful to ignore someone's intended meaning by replacing it with our own meaning. this makes it challenging to learn about others and it also stunts our own growth. not to mention how severely limiting that is to our collective evolution.

so how does one get through this natural challenge of communication? let's look at what an information package really is...

when we experience something, we need to be able to call it something so we can share it with others. (we have come a long way, have we not?)

let's look closer at what a word is.
word = an information package. (i.e. each word has a definition describing the meaning of said word and that definition/meaning is the information within the package)

a sentence is a collection of words intended to create a more complex, more focused exchange of information.

the core of communication is an understanding that wants to be expressed to someone or something else. it starts from within us and somehow we decide the best way to communicate this understanding. by: body language, art, speech, sign language, music, facial expressions, etc. the list goes on.

understand, however, that a collection of experiences that make up a meaning cannot and will not mean exactly the same as the meaning someone else understands. it is simply impossible. a goal of communication is to come as close as possible so mutual understandings can be reached.

time: our understanding of things is not necessarily a linear process. the next thing to be experienced could potentially create a wider understanding of something we previously knew about but didn't have the full understanding of. i believe full understanding is complete awareness of everything. (you may see how limited we really are by that statement alone)

we have taken a closer look at the mechanics of communication and what is involved in this process. my intention was to write a perspective on it that may help communications with others go a little easier. being the only one to speak your language is a tough challenge to overcome. i hope this has been a beneficial perspective!

thank YOU!

Monday, March 1, 2010

change of mind, change of heart

i wanted to write something personal today. mainly about what's currently going on with me.

i'm in the middle of a transition. right now i am looking at my future. and what i see is beautiful.

what i wanted to find, i found within myself. not somewhere else.

i was going to leave my city to find a more agreeable one. what i wanted to agree with was the amount of beauty in my surroundings. i don't want to leave a city because of the lack of beauty when i could stay and bring it out of myself and others.

if i have what is lacking, then why wouldn't i want to help fill it? this is my thinking right now.

everyone is an artist. the common understanding of what "artist" means will expand. it will expand to include things not currently considered art. i consider everything art.

i have much confidence and strength in my decision. what is my decision? to help lead a new renaissance period? that sounds right. i will return to this post whenever i need a boost. i know it's a stressful world. i will do my part in making it more enjoyable in someway. and i'll do it with love.

-sean (me)(you)

nothing does nothing

this is a post about influence. what is influence?

influence, in my words, means the movement of energy from one place to another.

when two people speak to one another, they are influencing each other simply by the interaction alone. for example, how does one person know when to respond to another?

i do not believe anything is immune to influence as that would also mean someone is separate from energy.

when i say "nothing does nothing", i mean that everything has an effect on our reality. whether we can perceive it with our few senses or not.

thanks for reading!

make your surroundings beautiful!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

a creation of a creation of a creation

this is a creation using creations to create it

Friday, January 29, 2010

A Delight For Your Senses!

when someone says the words "a delight for your senses", what comes to mind?

i would like to talk about what this statement means by focusing on all of the senses we possess.

the word "delight" is an easy word to describe and is commonly understood. for the sake of this discussion, let's clarify the definition as "something that is liked from an experience". (reminder: what is liked and disliked is relative to the observer).

some examples of "a delight for the senses" are smelling a flower, listening to enjoyable music, tasting something delicious, etc.

as we experience reality, we have constant contact with our environment. (as we always have an environment). whether it is work, school, the jungle or the grocery store, ...all of these things are environments.

what we take from our experience is information. we use our 5 senses to sense information in our environment.

for purpose of setting tone, i ask these questions...

what are your visual delights? what are your aural delights? what are your flavor delights? what are your feeling delights?

we can all answer these questions with ease. and it can be a different answer for every person. so please challenge yourself to answer them. asking these questions is meant to remind us how often we are experiencing delightful things in our surroundings. if at all.

i wanted to discuss what kind of information we are processing in our reality, that each one of us knows very well what we like and dislike, how often we are processing information that is "delightful", and using the many ways we have to experience delightful information.

Hope this was helpful!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

acceptance and the effect it has on consciousness

What is acceptance?

my perspective is that acceptance is inclusive of all that does and does not exist yet.

to exclude anything is to deny it's (obvious to the observer's) existence. otherwise one would be all inclusive by default.

How this affects the consciousness is likened to a framework of reality that houses all-that-is except for ________, because of _______.

to be fully accepting creates a perspective of consciousness that is unafraid of experiencing the unknown*. fear is the only thing that keeps us from experiencing the unknown. consider the factor of every new day not ever having been before. every day is a brand new day. every new day is a new factor that makes every day a different factor for/of change.

author's note: let's also consider our own lives for a moment. there is nothing wrong with them, they're perfect the way they are as they happen by the control of each individual. now, with the understanding we have of acceptance, ask how much change are we experiencing in our life? are there any parts of our life we could swap out for something a little different? maybe a lot different?

For simplification purposes...

Being Inclusive = not in denial
Being Exclusive = in denial

I would like to bring up the concept of what is "unknown".

What is unknown* to us is what we are unaware of. Awareness is all that we are aware of. If we are constrained by belief structures that exclude information, then there is something within us that is in denial about something. Obviously related to the information that is being excluded. What that denial is about is personal for each one of us. We are all unique but equal observers of this reality. It is always our responsibility to assign our own meaning of what we experience and reflect on it. And what we experience is always our choice.

The intention of this post is to illustrate the importance of acceptance and how it relates to our consciousness. And to see acceptance from a point of view similar to how a cog in a machine is doing its part to produce whatever that machine produces.

I hope this was/is a beneficial perspective!

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2012, NESARA, First Contact, UFOs, huh?

Greetings all,

Have you come across information about 2012, NESARA, UFOs, etc. and wondered what to believe?

I would like to talk about these things.

First, I'd like to talk about awareness of information.

Every single thing we experience is information that we process. Every living thing processes information in some way. (we could go a step further and say every thing processes information, though that goes beyond the point we're trying to make.)

Awareness is what we are aware of. We can only be aware of information.

Regarding 2012, UFO Disclosure, First Contact, NESARA, etc., THIS IS ALL INFORMATION. keep it simple.

How will you process this information?


We humans all have a framework of reality. In other words, each one of us has our own way of processing information. Each one of us has a unique perspective because we all process different information. A specific string of experiences (collection of specific information) molds the consciousness in a specific way = us.

Please bring back to mind (UFOs, 2012, etc.,) for this segment...

To become aware of specific information, that information must be made available to us or we must seek it out. Much of this subject matter is not made available in mainstream media. It is an underground market of information that corporations and governments do not seem to have an obvious interest in. Which puts the responsibility to investigate it back in our hands. This is what has happened/is happening.

Over time, information became harder and harder to obtain by putting a price tag on anything possible. Please take a moment to think about that. We process information by breathing oxygen. We process information by drinking water, by living under a roof, by visiting places not visited before. Everything we experience is information of some kind.

Much of this subject matter in discussion has a trail of truth that leads to information that removes the grip of control this planetary living system has on our consciousness. Making it harder to obtain information and twisting the healthy perspective around is simply NOT healthy. Because processing information is all we do. How is it when the information we are processing is not supportive of change and expansion? This is the reality we are exiting. (yay!)

Author's note: I feel that grip of control is disappearing. That way of living has a lifeline and we are experiencing the end of it.

Author's note: There is plenty of information about 2012, Nesara, etc. out there on the internet. If you look before the transition day, then use discernment about it. I would be happy to share some of my sources, however, the dig back to truth is personal and for each of us to take an interest in.

After the transition day, ONLY truth will be available. We'll be processing the information that has been delayed for so long now. It will be MUCH information in a very short amount of time.

The point of this blog is to illustrate how these things are possible. And why this is coming back to the surface now to replace the current mainstream. As well as understanding why you may have not been aware of any of this information until now.

I hope I've shared a beneficial perspective!
Thanks for reading!

Understanding Reality

My name is Sean.

I started this blog with the intention of sharing my perspectives about anything and everything. There will be a strong focus on upcoming changes about to occur on our planet.

Why I think this blog is worthy for public viewing is because we are all equal observers in this reality. (I define "reality" as everything we do and don't experience).

You either share my perspective, or you don't. Simple as that. I respect everyone's opinion because your opinion matters. You are an equal. You have experiences I do not, I have experiences you do not. That, in itself, does not make someone better or worse.

With that in mind, I wanted to start a blog of perspectives about our reality that I consider safe. Safe to say it applies to all of us. I try and stay as truthful as I can be. My hope is that something I share will have some kind of positive impact. After all, this is just information. Just like everything you experience is information. It either benefits you, or it does not. And that is always up to you.
