Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2012, NESARA, First Contact, UFOs, huh?

Greetings all,

Have you come across information about 2012, NESARA, UFOs, etc. and wondered what to believe?

I would like to talk about these things.

First, I'd like to talk about awareness of information.

Every single thing we experience is information that we process. Every living thing processes information in some way. (we could go a step further and say every thing processes information, though that goes beyond the point we're trying to make.)

Awareness is what we are aware of. We can only be aware of information.

Regarding 2012, UFO Disclosure, First Contact, NESARA, etc., THIS IS ALL INFORMATION. keep it simple.

How will you process this information?


We humans all have a framework of reality. In other words, each one of us has our own way of processing information. Each one of us has a unique perspective because we all process different information. A specific string of experiences (collection of specific information) molds the consciousness in a specific way = us.

Please bring back to mind (UFOs, 2012, etc.,) for this segment...

To become aware of specific information, that information must be made available to us or we must seek it out. Much of this subject matter is not made available in mainstream media. It is an underground market of information that corporations and governments do not seem to have an obvious interest in. Which puts the responsibility to investigate it back in our hands. This is what has happened/is happening.

Over time, information became harder and harder to obtain by putting a price tag on anything possible. Please take a moment to think about that. We process information by breathing oxygen. We process information by drinking water, by living under a roof, by visiting places not visited before. Everything we experience is information of some kind.

Much of this subject matter in discussion has a trail of truth that leads to information that removes the grip of control this planetary living system has on our consciousness. Making it harder to obtain information and twisting the healthy perspective around is simply NOT healthy. Because processing information is all we do. How is it when the information we are processing is not supportive of change and expansion? This is the reality we are exiting. (yay!)

Author's note: I feel that grip of control is disappearing. That way of living has a lifeline and we are experiencing the end of it.

Author's note: There is plenty of information about 2012, Nesara, etc. out there on the internet. If you look before the transition day, then use discernment about it. I would be happy to share some of my sources, however, the dig back to truth is personal and for each of us to take an interest in.

After the transition day, ONLY truth will be available. We'll be processing the information that has been delayed for so long now. It will be MUCH information in a very short amount of time.

The point of this blog is to illustrate how these things are possible. And why this is coming back to the surface now to replace the current mainstream. As well as understanding why you may have not been aware of any of this information until now.

I hope I've shared a beneficial perspective!
Thanks for reading!

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