Monday, March 22, 2010

Information Packages - Intended Meanings

i wish to discuss 'intended meaning' and using the phrase 'information packages' for a closer look at mechanics of communication.

something is either understood or it isn't.

consider how we communicate with one another and what words are used to exchange understandings. this is what communication is, is it not? an exchange of understandings.

when we communicate with one another, one of two things happen. either the receiver of the information package accepts the intended meaning contained within as best as they can understand it, or they take the packaging, put their own meaning in it and THEN accepts it as what the communicator was trying to communicate. this can be a problem and create conflict. has this ever happened to you?

what is important to realize is that meaning comes from direct experience. all experience is valid and important. it is not helpful to ignore someone's intended meaning by replacing it with our own meaning. this makes it challenging to learn about others and it also stunts our own growth. not to mention how severely limiting that is to our collective evolution.

so how does one get through this natural challenge of communication? let's look at what an information package really is...

when we experience something, we need to be able to call it something so we can share it with others. (we have come a long way, have we not?)

let's look closer at what a word is.
word = an information package. (i.e. each word has a definition describing the meaning of said word and that definition/meaning is the information within the package)

a sentence is a collection of words intended to create a more complex, more focused exchange of information.

the core of communication is an understanding that wants to be expressed to someone or something else. it starts from within us and somehow we decide the best way to communicate this understanding. by: body language, art, speech, sign language, music, facial expressions, etc. the list goes on.

understand, however, that a collection of experiences that make up a meaning cannot and will not mean exactly the same as the meaning someone else understands. it is simply impossible. a goal of communication is to come as close as possible so mutual understandings can be reached.

time: our understanding of things is not necessarily a linear process. the next thing to be experienced could potentially create a wider understanding of something we previously knew about but didn't have the full understanding of. i believe full understanding is complete awareness of everything. (you may see how limited we really are by that statement alone)

we have taken a closer look at the mechanics of communication and what is involved in this process. my intention was to write a perspective on it that may help communications with others go a little easier. being the only one to speak your language is a tough challenge to overcome. i hope this has been a beneficial perspective!

thank YOU!

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