Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What Is My Top Truth?

i would like to create a post today about things we can keep in the focus of our awareness that make life easier to live. I will then discuss using a top truth as it is much easier to keep one tool of thought with you instead of dragging around a list of things to remember all the time.

As we experience reality/life, we sometimes come across an experience that creates discomfort within us. So the idea today is learning how to put in the awareness that which make those experiences easier to experience. After all, isn't it everyone's goal (among the many we have) to feel good all the time? A little adjustment of our thinking can make a huge difference. Oh, and there's nothing to sell you, no classes to attend, nothing you need to physically do.

There are many ways and perspectives to understand causes of dis-ease. This post will side-step that part of it and go straight to the juice.

I will be using myself as an example. Mainly to illustrate what I am talking about exactly as this is an unusual discussion. Then you may use the tools I remind you that you already have and take it from there.


For me, when I encounter discomfort or frustration or general dis-ease, I am always curious why I feel it and what I can do to get rid of it. (I am using the understanding that thoughts and feelings are something that can be handled and released)

Our awareness includes all things that are processed as data from an experience. (ex: we are aware of the colors of the chair as well as the sounds of the wind, the feeling of the breeze, the taste of the lemonade, and then there is our thoughts.) How do we think of thoughts?
Awareness and what we think are two different things. We can be aware of our thoughts. Which suggests that a thought is something that can be handled or released from our awareness.

So the big question is... What is in our awareness at all times?

Dis-ease, frustration, etc. can show up in our awareness at any time. Which is how we know about them. So how did they get in our awareness? This is a question to ask you yourself.
A major paradigm shift of thinking that is available for all is to know we have control over what we experience. Learning to master what we experience has some pre-requisites of thinking before that can become. One of them being an understanding that having "choice" is a permanently equipped tool of thought. It can never leave us no matter what.

So knowing we always have the tool of 'choice' at our disposal, we can then choose to put specific things in our awareness that we KNOW won't create dis-ease, frustration, etc. or choose to think differently about it.


My top truth as of right now (because it can be swapped at any time for a better one) is that all things experienced is for the transformation of consciousness.

This is a thought that transmutes the experience into an agreeable one.

is there bad news on tv? it's for the transformation of consciousness.
did two people get into a fight? it's for the transformation of consciousness.
did someone say something ugly? it's for the transformation of consciousness.
is there a war going on? it's for the transformation of consciousness.

Short and simple. This is the highest truth I know (so far) and I find it helpful because it has massive amounts of truth to it. How much can someone take of something they disagree with before they start exploring other options and exercising our thought tool called "choice". A transformation will take place. Consciousness would then take what knowledge it has acquired and a change of awareness will happen in favor of what is desired.

I consider this my top truth because I understand that consciousness is at the core of our awareness. And if there is ANY activity going on in the world that someone disagrees with, I know it will eventually lead to a transformation of thought. And there won't be anything bad about learning what we don't want to experience in our awareness. For that also teaches us what we do desire.

All thought is free. We have learned by now that we are free to think anything we want and it doesn't cost a cent. Take my top truth if it works for you, or you can create a better one more suited for how you want to experience reality.

Don't be surprised if something happens to you and you all of a sudden feel lighter. This might just be your own transformation of thought into the realm of mental clarity. On a personal note, if you experience this, take my word for it and throw a big party. a BIG, BIG party.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

What is it also?

I would like to speak about understanding understanding. No, that was not a typo.

When we understand something, there opens up an awareness about the understood that wasn't there before. It is a piece of a proposed puzzle that gives more of the image. It is a truth of what is experienced that can be relied on.

So how do we know how to understand something better? I will attempt to touch upon this topic, knowing full well in advance, that I will not even scratch the surface of what this post can open up. The rest is for the ones with the hunger for more.

As a tool, we tend to use our past experiences to help understand a person or situation by way of recalling observed outcomes of similar situations.

Using our past in this way is problematic.

If you're already thinking about how it is problematic before we get into that, then I would recommend you think about this statement while you read on. "Change is the only constant".

We could safely say that the past is the past as it has changed since then. Perhaps that is what makes it the past. The now is not the same as it once was.

When we respond to present situations, we can also safely say that responding in the best way possible is aided by how much we are aware of and how well the situation is understood.

There is a default pattern we fall back on when we attempt to grab hold of a present situation in order to understand it more. We look at patterns. We look as similarities. We look at past situations that resemble the present one. And through conscious or unconscious choice, we respond to the present situation based on our past. Which, because change is the only constant, has changed since then. This is one way the past is kept alive and preferred change is avoided.

How this can be avoided is by understanding what we are understanding about the current situation we find ourselves in. Seeing the things in front of us without inviting the past to aid us in that understanding is a more concentrated experience for us to have. It is a fresh look without past bias.

Without inviting our past observations into the now, how can we feel comfortable making decisions without having those experienced memories?

An answer is by understanding the conditions that surrounded those past observations have changed as well. And any similarities we experience in the present is nothing more than a situation that resembles the past.
When we recall the outcome(s) of a similar situation in our past and explicitly use it as the crutch of understanding the present moment, there is a high probability that the meaning we create out of this bias is far removed from what is actually going on. The question: 'What is it also?' is a bridge question to create the understanding that there is always more to understand.

We discussed how we can respond to what is in front of us without depending on our past to help make sense of it and also discussed methods of understanding the present situation more clearly.

I hope this has been time well spent for you!
